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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's the best evidence for the existence of God?

"We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito."
C.S. Lewis

In these words the great author, C. S. Lewis, reminds us that the biggest question is not "is there a God?".  The biggest question is "Where isn't God?".  The evidence of God is every where around us.  Like, when Miranda was a baby, we had no problem ever knowing where she was... all we had to do was follow the evidence.  In her case it was usually a messy trail.  In God's case it is his handiwork revealed in everything.
The Psalmist says "heavens declare the glory of God, the stars, His handiwork".  In another place he asked rhetorically, "Where can I go to escape the presence of God?"  He answers his questions by proclaiming that even in Hades, he can't escape God.  
Yet, why do so many choose to live in ignorance of God?  Is it out of fear?  Is it intellectual pride?  There are many reasons people give... but it has been my experience that the usual reason that underlies peoples claim that God doesn't exist... is a fear that God is going to make them give up something they cherish.  Sometimes it is a career that they love.  Other times it is a fear of rejection by family or friends... more often than not it is a sin or a lifestyle they value more than a right relationship with God.  
What can we do for people who don't see, or who don't want to see God?  All we can do is love them with God's love.  The one evidence for the existence of God that is the hardest to refute... Love.  Un-conditional Love.  Love that is undeserved.  Love that doesn't give up.  The best argument for the existence of God is God's love shown to you and me.  
So... Keep loving, keep and when you think you can't love anymore... ask God to love through you, to use you to show His love.  And then Love some more.  
Peace and Love,
Pastor Bill

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