Psalm 23 is one of the best known passages from the Bible... most any English speaking person on hearing "The Lord is my shepherd..." can say the next line..."I shall not want".
"The Lord is my shepherd..." I know this is true, yet, I still worry. "What if's..." can clog up my mind. I worry about my kids... I worry about my wife... I worry about my church... What if...
something happens...
to me?
to them?
to us?
What if... what if... what if... so many what if's!
"The Lord is my shepherd" doesn't mean "what if's" don't happen. It simply means that God is the God of "what if's", too!
In the Joseph stories found in the book of Genesis, Joseph doesn't fear the unknowns. He knows that the God he worships is the God of the unknowns. Nothing that will happen to him is beyond God... So, Joseph meets each new challenge knowing that he has to trust in God's wisdom and timing.
Would Joseph choose to be a slave or in prison? No! Was Joseph willing to see slavery or prison as the work of God in his life? Yes! As he said to his brothers on meeting them at the end of the story (Genesis 50:20) "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good..."
May all your what if's turn out to be God's... "YES!"
Grace and Joy in Jesus,
Pastor Bill
It is fun to read your thoughts. Thanks for sharing.