Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2
How much glory is due the Lord? How much glory, honor and praise; how beautiful, how holy is the Lord? It isn't a matter of comparison to me or someone else. It isn't that God is more holy than me or more beautiful or more worthy than I am. No...God is beyond all comparison. God is the definition of beauty. God is the definition of holiness. When considering these things, God
is those things. God is the standard, God is beauty, God is holiness so only He is worthy. So how much glory is God due? How much glory should I take? I should take none! I should give God all glory, honor and ascribe all beauty to Him. There is no beauty apart from Him. It isn't that the mountains or a sunset aren't beautiful...their beauty comes from God. It isn't that I can't be good, but that when I am good God is the source of my goodness. All of this is to bring me to worship not the creation but the creator of all things. When I see the beauty of the plains in bloom, a mountain bluebird in flight, JoAnn's wonderful smile... when I encounter beauty it is intended to be a reminder of God's beauty, a reflection of who God is and it should remind me to praise Him for His beauty, holiness and glory. He is worthy of my worship! In Jesus name, Amen!
Peace and Joy!
Pastor Bill